This past week Governor Abbott signed eight Public Safety related bills

This past week Governor Abbott signed eight Public Safety related bills passed by our state congress in their latest session.

Three of the new laws of note were a new law regarding District Attorneys that refuse to prosecute certain types of crimes, a new law to stop illegal street racers and activities which endanger the public, and a law that creates stiffer penalties for the theft of, or possession of, stolen catalytic converters.

The law, regarding District Attorneys, would allow a judge from outside of the district the DA was elected to office in, to potentially remove the DA from office if a District Attorney is found guilty of “Official Misconduct” for not prosecuting certain types of crimes.

The second new law signed targeted illegal street races and “street takeovers”. The Governor stated the bill’s aim is “To curb illegal racers in Texas who threaten the safety of everyone around them”. The bill classifies street racing as a type of organized crime and allows police to seize a car involved.

The third bill signed into law increases the penalties for stealing or possessing stolen catalytic converters.