Voters within Hutto ISD’s boundaries will vote on three propositions during the May 6, 2023 election

On Jan. 26, the Hutto ISD Board of Trustees unanimously approved calling a $522 million Bond Election to address current and future enrollment growth. This vote followed the presentation of the District’s Long Range Facilities Planning Committee’s recommended project list to the school board. 

Voters within Hutto ISD’s boundaries will have the opportunity to cast their votes on three propositions during the May 6, 2023 election. If approved, the $522 million total will be funded through additional bonding capacity resulting from property value growth within the District and with zero increase to the tax rate.

The Joint General and Special Elections will be held on Saturday, May 6, 2023 7:00 am to 7:00 pm.

Hutto Locations:

Hutto ISD Admin building, Board Room, 200 College St, 78634

Wilco Hutto Annex, Suite 200, 321 Ed Schmidt Boulevard, 78634

Items in the 2023 Bond proposal include:


• New Elementary #8 – $63,000,000

• New Elementary #9 – $70,000,000

• Build-out of Ninth Grade Center to a second, Comprehensive High School – $180,000,000

• High School Renovations and Additions (final phases) – $68,000,000

• Existing Middle School Classroom Additions (Hutto & Farley middle schools) – $14,000,000

• Purchase Land for Future School Sites – $32,000,000

• Districtwide Technology Upgrades – $10,500,000

• Buses and Satellite Operations – $10,000,000

• Deferred Maintenance Projects – $24,000,000

TOTAL: $471,500,000


• Instructional Technology Devices

TOTAL: $10,500,000


• District Academic Center: includes River Horse Academy, DAEP, 18+ Special Education Program and Central Office

TOTAL: $40,000,000

The Long Range Facilities Planning Committee (the “Committee”), composed of 50 community members, parents, students and school district staff, formulated a comprehensive plan and presented their findings to trustees on Dec. 8. Convening in August 2022, the Committee spent nearly five months collaborating and studying the District’s current facilities, demographics, enrollment trends and school finances that resulted in the bond proposal which will address the impact that a rapidly increasing enrollment has on the District’s facilities in a fiscally prudent manner.

“We are grateful for the Long Range Facilities Planning Committee members who volunteered their time to participate in the development of this school bond, and we appreciate their continued commitment to our students and staff,” said Dr. Celina Thomas Estrada, Hutto ISD superintendent. “As a fast-growth District, ensuring that many voices are heard is paramount as we make decisions that will last for generations of students.”

“Through the community’s support of Bond 2019, we have made great strides in serving a rapidly growing student body and their families, and our Hippo Nation staff family. Bond 2023 has the potential to accommodate our rapidly increasing enrollment and position the school District for the student growth predicted over the next five to seven years.”

The latest demographic report and enrollment projections shows Hutto ISD as the fourth-fastest growing school district in Central Texas for annual new home closings. With a current enrollment surpassing 9,750 students, the District is expected to exceed 17,000 students by 2032. With approximately 75 square miles of land within Hutto ISD boundaries, numerous active and planned subdivisions and multi-family housing developments will continue to bring new families to local schools. Hutto ISD Bond 2023 was formulated with these facts in mind.

“This bond proposal brings before voters a community derived plan to address the rapid growth we are all experiencing in our community, and most importantly, represents the District’s proactive, forward-thinking, pre-planning efforts as we continually strive to be the best school district in Central Texas,” said Dr. Estrada Thomas. “The future is very bright for Hutto ISD, and we look forward to sharing the details of the bond proposal with our community and educating voters throughout the coming months.”

The District’s financial advisor projected no increase to the tax rate, which funds the repayments of bonds as a result of this bond election. In fact, the Hutto ISD Board of Trustees has decreased the tax rate annually in seven of the last eight years. The increasing commercial and residential property values and construction of new homes and businesses increases the District’s bonding capacity at the current I&S tax rate and will support this bond program. “The Board recognizes the magnitude of tonight’s vote in moving forward with calling a bond election and is the first necessary step in the process. The next step will allow voters to decide the direction our District will take to balance the incredible growing needs by taking the propositions to the ballot box,” said Hutto ISD School Board President Billie Logiudice. “We are so thankful to those who continue to invest their time, share their expertise and experiences, and offer their recommendations by serving on the Long Range Facilities Planning Committee.”

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